Saturday, July 5, 2014

L I F E / Batman Versus Harry Potter

“Win or lose, I admire those who fight the good fight.” - George R.R. Martin

Last Friday, as part of a mini-treat for working on the yearbook and working on a collage for this family reunion, my sister and I got to go to the WB Studios lot to take a look around, babysit my cousin's kids and let them see their aunt who works there. It was cool learning which shows were filmed where and there were quite a handful of shows. Unfortunately, since it's summer, most of the shows have wrapped up and not many were filming that day. Wouldn't it have been cool to run into someone? My sister basically fangirled over most of the Pretty Little Liars set and I fawned over the partial True Blood and Batman set scenes. We got to also see the Batman exhibition that was just opened to the public a day before and the Batman vs. Harry Potter museum featured on the lot. Oh and we took a quick breather at the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. set, chilling on the couch at Central Perk! It was pretty awesome, believe me. Hopefully, we'll get to go again around the fall when shows start up again!

But seriously though, if Batman and Harry Potter had to battle, who would win? I feel like they'd just compete over who has more dead on their side.

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