Thursday, February 13, 2014

L I F E / Galentine's Day

It's February 13th and you know what that means? (Obviously I wouldn't be asking if it's just another day.) It's Galentine's Day, folks. Today is for all the single and fabulous ladies, you know who you are (all of you, basically). 

Every year, the dreaded Hallmark founded day rolls around and radio station after radio station ask their listeners what couples will be doing for their special, significant others. And while I suffer through the long rush hour drive, I start to roll my eyes and pout at the thought that I probably will never have a day to share with someone else like Valentine's day. (I already hated the dreaded 14th when I had to give out those already made cards that you tuck candy in. Anyone else remember that?) So, thanks to the lovely writers over at Parks and Recreation--or at least that's where I heard of this day from--Galentine's day was born to save the single female souls of the world.

I mean, it makes sense. Friends will always been there long before the hottie patottie of your dreams walks into your life. And if they're single too, the better! You can all kick Valentine's day in the metaphorical balls and embrace your lady loves. Sisters before misters, any day. So, to all my single ladies, this day's for you! Party it up and get those lovey-dovey couples jealous of your impeccable bond and freedom to do whatever the hell you want tonight! Go get ice cream, lunch, dinner or watch a horror movie together where the single female kicks ass. The sky's the limit so long as you have your friends.

Personally, I'll be finally kicking the writer's block rut out the door and be writing because it's been far too long. Maybe, I'll snuggle with my dog since he's perpetually single too. Who knows?

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